Horses4Change offer a range of Equine Assisted Activities for Business Leadership, Team Building and Personal Development.
Our Business Leadership and Team Development workshops are run in conjunction with DMi. These innovative Workshops offer clients an experiential, transformational and 'fun' experience. A combination of activities with the horses and coaching techniques will challenge you, but will also help create a deeper awareness and learning, developing skills that are transferable into business and life.
H4C also offer Personal Development sessions with our herd of horses and our coaches. We run and host a range of well-being workshops and retreats throughout the year. Our Personal Development sessions are tailored to you, your group or your organisation. The horses bring a uniquely insightful, therapeutic and enjoyable experience to you in our peaceful and beautiful setting here at Lower Hall.
One of our aims at H4C is to promote the value of horses for learning and development as well for their powerful therapeutic qualities. Also, to promote a more thoughtful approach to horsemanship and horse ownership.

Why Horses? Horses are prey animals, reactive, herd social and sentient. They live in the moment, acutely aware of non verbal communication, body language, posture, facial expressions and particularly energy. This is what makes them great teachers for us.
They are attuned to any in-congruence between thoughts, feelings, actions and intent, or lack of it. They read every non verbal signal we send out and their reactions are immediate and honest. They reflect the person behind the persona and how effective our communication really is.
Horses can help us become more aware of ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and emotions that subsequently help to drive our behaviours. They are a powerful learning tool for development and change.
"One of the biggest mistakes we make is assuming that other people think the way we think"
For more information:
Email: casey@horses4change.com
Business address:
Lower Hall, Norbury,Cheshire, SY13 4HW